Customized Employment – Agency Training

Customized Employment


What is Customized Employment?

Customized employment is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. It is based on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, and interests of a job candidate and the identified business needs of an employer. Customized Employment utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning and job development – one person at a time . . . one employer at a time.

CBI’s Customized employment program was mentored by Dr. Paul Wehman of Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Wehman pioneered the development of supported employment in the early 1980s and has been heavily involved in the use of supported employment with people who have severe disabilities, such as those with severe intellectual disabilities, brain injury, spinal cord injury or autism.

CBI Consultants Customized Employment training is designed to expand your knowledge on what Customized Employment is and how it can be used to increase your job seekers quality of life. It is designed for service providers, parents, teachers, educational assistants, and anyone working with someone with a developmental disability who is interested in gaining employment. For more information, please download the CE Training Flyer below:

Our level one and level two training is eligible for CEC credits through BCCDA.

For more information please visit the certification overview page of the BCCDA webpage HERE.

For certification maintenance requirements please click HERE.