Level 1 Introductory Positive Behaviour Support training is designed for parents, community supports and school team members. Partnerships and collaboration are essential features of Positive Behaviour Support and CBI’s level 1 training. This introductory training is very detailed and provides the groundwork for school based teams, families and community partners to develop and implement comprehensive positive behavioural support plans and strategies in home, school and community environments. There are five sessions or modules in Level I-Introductory Training Positive Behaviour Support.
PBS Training for Schools
PBS Training Options
Level 1: Training on Positive Behavioural Support:
Level 2: Customized Training Positive Behaviour Support:
Level 2 training builds on the strategies developed in Level 1 training. CBI is able to customize ongoing online training for each team based on the unique strengths, needs and learning style of the focus person with challenging behaviour. Level 2 training is designed to support the development of internal positive behaviour support teams within school districts.
Level 3: Online Consulting and Support:
Ongoing consultation and training is available from CBI Consultants to help your team problem solve case specific issues and positive behavioural support strategies. We are able to ensure that your team has access to ongoing training and support in positive behavioural support, evidence based strategies and links to the most current positive behavioural support research centers. This ongoing consultation can be delivered in multiple formats (online support, web based conferences, online bulletin boards and direct face to face consultation and training).
Level 4: Systems Change Strategies:
Level 4 training is designed for broader systems support and systems change strategies. This training is designed for senior organizational members to create internal training, tracking and implementation strategies to truly embed the evidence based practices of positive behavioural support in the lives of people with challenging behaviour and to create a culture of positive person centered practices focused on the quality of life of the person and their families.
Learn more about our ONLINE TRAINING programs for PBS!