Positive Behaviour Support for Adults

Positive Behaviour Support for Adults


Assessment & Recommendations

6 – 8 Weeks
  • Target needs & strategies
  • Identify key trainer who will train new team members
  • Coordinate support team
  • Determine team roles and responsibilities
  • Conduct assessment via inter-views, direct observation, and interaction with the individual & team members
  • Write Behaviour Plan of Intervention report and present recommendations

Development & Implementation

Average 12-18 months
  • Teach team to do strategies (model, write-ups, online training, feedback)
  • Support team to develop, implement, & adapt strategies in the plan
  • Teach team to analyze patterns of behaviour to problem solve
  • Compile training materials into manual


As required
  • Safety Plan Monitoring
  • Monitor strategies
  • Support team to develop self-monitoring tools
  • Continue to support team to problem solve, adapt strategies in the plan and to evaluate effectiveness of strategies

Personal Profile:

The first step in the lifestyle development process is a conversation to understand the focus person’s story and life history. Structured and semi-structured interviews are used to identify the person’s strengths, preferences, learning style, communication profile and hopes and dreams. The goal is to understand and present a strength based profile of the focus person. Who is this individual?

What is focus person’s current schedule:

  • What does the person do?
  • Where does he/she go?
  • Who goes with him/her?
  • How long do the activities take?
Next, a comparison is made between how well the activity schedule “matches” the person’s personal profile. What are the discrepancies? Where gaps are identified, we modify, introduce or drop activities from the schedule. As much as possible, the activities should also promote access to other individuals without disabilities of the same age in the community.

Where revision of the schedule, increased choice and other lifestyle changes are not sufficient for the focus person to be a fully included member of their community; Step 3 of the LDP identifies additional supports the person needs in the areas of:

  • Communication
  • Positive Behaviour Support
  • Systematic Instruction
  • Social Network Development

Development and Implementation of a Multi-Element Positive Behavioural Support Plan

The completed functional behaviour assessment includes a list of recommendations based on the specific needs of the focus person and his/her family/team. These recommendations arise from the information gathered in the functional behaviour assessment. The next step is the Development and Implementation of the Support Plan. A key trainer from the team is identified so that training of new support team members can continue once CBI’s involvement is complete. The time frame to complete a support plan will depend on the skills, time commitment and motivation of the team supporting the focus person. CBI will guide the process and is respectful of teaming practices required to implement the support plan. CBI’s involvement is not based on any pre-determined length of implementation time. CBI’s goal is to build capacity within each family and team to learn skills and strategies that will best support the focus person.
Each step of the LDP is focused on supporting and improving the focus person’s vision of a desirable future and quality life. Step 4 of the LDP focuses on examining the lifestyle accomplishments and quality of life improvements achieved through steps 1-3. The ultimate goal of the LDP is to enhance the quality of life of the focus person and their families.
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Personal Development
  • Material Well Being
  • Physical Well Being
  • Self-Determination
  • Social Inclusion
  • Rights
Although the LDP is written and presented in a linear fashion (Steps 1-4), in practice, it is a dynamic circular process where life goals are achieved, new life goals are developed and strengths, preferences and personal achievements guide the process.

More Information

For more information, please click on the following links.