Episode 162: Decolonizing The Mind with Dr. Michael Yellow Bird
Episode 161 is a humbling, wonderful conversation with Dr. Michael Yellow Bird. Dr. Yellowbird works with Tribal and Indigenous Peoples to bring mindfulness and neurodecolonization approaches to these communities for the purposes of healing and improving wellness. I use neuroscience research to examine how mindfulness approaches and traditional Indigenous contemplative practices can train the mind and positively change the structure and function of the brain. I study how experiences and perceptions change the brain (neuroplasticity); shape our DNA and affect the expression of our genes; activate different brain regions, change our brain waves, shape specialized brain cells such as mirror neurons; and alter our neurotransmitters and modulators. I use my work as a means of translating the neuroscience of mindfulness and neurodecolonization to Tribal and Indigenous communities so they can understand why and how mindfulness and Indigenous contemplative practices work.
Continuing Education Credits (https://www.cbiconsultants.com/shop)
BACB: 1.0 Learning
IBAO: 1.0 Cultural