Podcast Episode 27: Translational Research, DiGeorge Syndrome and a Little Dash of Metacontingencies with Valdeep Saini, Ph.D., BCBA-D
In this episode Ben chats with Dr. Val Saini of Brock University. In the first half, Val shares his work translational research specifically in the area of problem behaviour relapse. In the second half we talk about how behaviour analysts can engage in antiracist work through the frame of metacontingencies. Lastly, Ben and Val talk about his work with previous guest, Louis Busch, on behaviour interventions for DiGeorge Syndrome.
Correction: During this episode Ben refers to an article by Rocco Catrone (who will be an upcoming guest). The first author of the article is Dr. Natalia Baires and Ben discusses this article thoroughly with Dr. Baires in episode 26.
Podcast Website: www.behaviourspeak.com
- BACB: 1.5 Learning
- IBAO: 1.5 Learning
- QABA: 1.5 General
Categories: Continuing Education: CEUsproduct_catThe Behaviour Speak Podcast