Service Provider Positive Behaviour Support Capacity Training

Service Provider Positive Behaviour Support Capacity Training


CBI’s Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Capacity Training for service providers is designed to build capacity within your agency, in the areas of Positive Behaviour Support and Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA).
An experienced CBI Behaviour Consultant provides training to agency-selected practitioners within your organization who are then supported to:

1). Follow the principles of Positive Behaviour Support to complete Functional Behaviour Assessments and develop Behaviour Support Plans to address difficult/unconstructive and serious behaviours (not critical or unsafe behaviours); and

2). Provide Positive Behaviour Support orientation to other staff within your agency on foundational Positive Behaviour Support strategies and support them to implement those strategies with agency clients.

Research in Positive Behaviour Support clearly shows that service provider staff and family members are the ones who can make the biggest changes in people’s lives using positive support strategies.

The goal of the Positive Behaviour Support Capacity Training is to ensure that the service provider can recognize and respond to difficult/unconstructive or serious behaviours early enough to prevent critical or unsafe behaviours from developing. The result is an overall improvement in the quality of life for the focus individual and improved employee job satisfaction.

Learn About Our Training

Capacity Training Brochure